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Visit us at Hobby-X

Thousands of visitors attend the show every year, from all over SA, neighbouring countries and further afield. In 2024, just over 11 000 visitors came through the show in 4 days!

This year visitors  visited the show looking for new products to stock their stores and studios,  offering exhibitors a great opportunity to increase their geographical footprint.

The  balance,  being  the  majority  of  visitors,  were members  of  the general  public  including hobbyists, crafters and fun loving  people who mostly have disposable income and time and money to spend on the things they enjoy.   A really good target market for exhibitors to sell their products to.

Hobby-X Target Groups


Welcoming decision-makers from:

Retail outlets | Specialist stores | Producing craftsmen | Training institutions | Wholesale & Foreign trade | Mail order business & E-commerce | Manufacturers & Suppliers | Importers/Exporters | Distributors & Agents | Wedding & Party planners | Play therapists & Occupational therapists | School/Nursery teachers | Scrapbookers | Artists | Hobbyist | Bakers | Readers | Crafters | Collectors | And, so much more

Why visit Hobby-X?

  • Meet manufacturers, importers, distributors, and agents of a wide range of products
  • Discover the latest innovations and trends
  • Discuss the merits and benefits of each product face-to-face with suppliers
  • Negotiate deals on neutral ground
  • Maximise your purchasing power through comparative buying
  • Network with other members of your industry

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